Economic Valuation of Marine Tourism Benan Island Senayang Subdistrict Linggaregency Riau Islands Province

Andriyani Andriyani(1*), Zulkanaini Zulkarnaini(2), Trisla Warningsih(3),

(1) Universitas Riau
(2) Universitas Riau
(3) Universitas Riau
(*) Corresponding Author


The aim of research on Economic Valuation of Marine Tourism Benan Island Senayang subdistrict Regency of Lingga, Riau Islands Province has been conducted in February-March 2018 with the respondents were 24 visitors by accidental sampling. The purposes of this research are (1) To analyse the cost of travel visitors; (2) Identify factors influencing the demand of recreation; (3) Analyse wilingness to pay the visitors; (4) Estimate the value of consumer surplus and economic value of marine tourism Benan Island. From the results of study is known tourists who visit is local tourists and foreign tourists, travel cost marine tour visitors on the Island of Benan is IDR.58.831.962 consisting of travel expenses, consumtion, admission, lodging fees, corporation fees and other expenses. The collected data were analyzed using multiple regression analysis model. Factors affecting local tourist visit include travel and distance while for foreign tourists include travel expenses, income, age, and distance. Willingness to pay local tourists IDR.13.611,- and foreign tourists are willing to pay IDR. 25.666,- seen form the average value. The accumulatedof the consumer surplus can generate economic value of marine tourism Benan Island. The value of consumer surplus obtained by local tourists IDR.437.580.527,8,- with the economic value    IDR.54.403.454.471,- while foreign tourists surplus value of consumer IDR.1.881.652,496,-  and economic value of IDR.210.662.562,5,- so that the total economic value marine tour of Benan Island is IDR.54.627.141.360,5,-.


Willingness to Pay; Benan Island; Consumer Surplus; Economic Valuation

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