Nofrizal Nofrizal(1*), Muchtar Ahmad(2), Syaifuddin Syaifuddin(3),

(*) Corresponding Author


Base on the survey and field visiting at the industry location, the state of traditional dockyard
industry in Bagansiapiapi is reported. Traditional dockyards use wood as raw materials for building
small boat of less than 5 GT for cargo or passenger as well as fishing boats. The location of dockyard is
built open on the bank of riverine in the coastal area without any covered building. Even facilities in the
traditional dockyard as well as the way to the location are almost no any infrastructure to support it. The
dockyard persists on the wetland environment, swampy area, and unhealthy working condition. The
management of the dockyard is family wise as it belong to the one core family, but the boat craftmen
mostly extent family. While the technology used mostly is not deliberately heritage from their ancient or
otherwise from the long experiences working in the dockyard for many years. The main problem of the
traditional dockyard is the raw wood materials are scare so that difficul to get with high costly price,
whilst capital to secure matereials stock unavailable. The consequence, three of four traditional dockyart
surveyed have already or stopping to product a new boat and frustrating to pace the future. The probable
effective idea way out of the situation is to use alterentive boat substitute material such as FRP. This
idea will be verified by following studies on modern dockyard producing small boat with using alterna-
tive non-wood material. It is necessary as a reference for the transformation of the traditional dockyard
into the modern one.


Dockyard industry; location; management; technology; working environment

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Gedung Marine Center Lt 2. Fakultas Perikanan dan Kelautan Universitas Riau

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